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STOP Gerrymandering Bus Tour


​​Thursday Oct 10 @ 1-2 pm


RPCC Trump Victory Center

6200 Rockside Woods Blvd., N  -  Suite 115

Independence, OH


With ORP Chairman Alex Triantafilou

& Congressman Max Miller


NO on Issue 1






Voting early is

CRITICAL to winning!

We can help you. 


Call for a FREE RIDE

to the Board of Elections


Chauffeur Laurie Norris



Leaves 9am from

Cuyahoga Valley Church 

5055 E. Wallings @ 77

Broadview Hts


Wed:  Oct 9,16, 23, 30

Sat:  Nov 2

Sun:  Nov 3










Early Voting (Oct 8) &

Election Day (Nov 5) 

are almost here!


Encourage Republican voters

to vote early AND

to vote the entire ballot... 

including NO on Issue 1. 


 What can YOU  do??


Walk neighborhoods with us on Saturdays in Sept and Oct

from 10am-noon.


Materials will be provided.



The Broadview Hts Republicans is an organization created to provide information impacting local issues important to our community.


We promote local candidates who share common views and will work to improve our city government and local school districts. 



Join us to help elect Republican candidates and improve our city.  Candidates cannot win without the help of concerned citizens like you.


Now is the time! Attend meetings and events; sign up for regular emails to keep abreast of what’s happening in Broadview Hts Republicans.


Volunteer activities may include literature drops, canvassing local neighborhoods, calling or texting for the candidates, or serving at polling locations.  Actively spreading the word and donating are other ways of helping us achieve our goals.


 You are a vital part of making a better Broadview Heights!



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